© Deb Trotter in Ireland, July 1972
Deb Trotter is a Blue Ridge, North Carolina native who happily lives and writes in the Wyoming Rockies. An avid reader of memoir and fiction, Deb juggles writing and reading with the adventurous road trips she takes with her “Dog-Walker” husband, John, and their two dogs, Cooper and Roscoe. The only place she loves more than Wyoming is Ireland.
Deb Trotter fell in love with Ireland in 1972 when she and her best friend, Marygray, worked there for the summer. Ireland was a revelation … were all the people in the world this joyous and wonderful, she wondered? It turns out that they were – and still are.
This site is dedicated to her Best Friend Forever and partner-in-crime, Marygray, and to the people and places of Ireland – county Kerry (where they worked) in particular.
You’ll discover why her logo refers to her as “Not Suitable” (hint: she was given that term by an Englishwoman.) You’ll also share in her past adventures in Ireland, including her true love story – and oh, what a love story it is! If you sign up for our monthly newsletter you’ll also be treated to Irish colloquialisms (ya gotta learn how to talk like the Irish!), legend and lore, travel tips, and even some tasty Irish recipes.
Sl’ainte! Visit often. Ireland forever!